Bamfield Houses: A History of Bamfield Houses
by Heather Cooper and Judith Phillips
Available in Bamfield stores, or by contacting the Bamfield Historical Society
$35 plus S/H

Our Whole Bamfield Saga: Pioneer Life on Vancouver Island’s West Coast
by Judith Phillips
One family’s experience of the early days in Bamfield, generously illustrated with photos, documents and letters.
Available in Bamfield stores, or by email: Bamfield Saga
$45 + S/H
Judith received the the Lieutenant-Governor’s Medal for Historical Writing 2015, the Community History Award, for her book “Our Whole Bamfield Saga.”
Local and community history often provides the most sought-after information by historians researching a particular area. This is where the trivia and the stories can be found, not to mention the skeletons! The Community History Award was instituted to ensure these histories are recognized.

Gentlemen on Imperial Service
by R. Bruce Scott
Available in Bamfield stores or by emailing the Bamfield Historical Society
$15 plus S/H.