Bamfield Memorial Tree
Remembrance is a form of meeting.
What is the Bamfield Memorial Tree?
The Bamfield Memorial Tree is a monument to commemorate people who have lived in Bamfield at one time and are now passed. The names of these people are on the “leaves” of the tree. The monument is housed in an open-walled pavilion in Bamfield’s Centennial Park. The tree is a bas-relief carving of a windswept tree.

The first dedication of the Memorial Tree monument at the Community Hall occurred on Remembrance Day November 11th, 1996. After the community hall was sold the monument was moved and the grand opening of the new pavilion which now houses the Memorial Tree was on June 22, 2013.
Contact the Memorial Tree Committee
The cost for an engraved leaf is $25.00. Please make cheque payable to Bamfield Memorial Tree. Orders will not be placed until payment is received (see address below).
Nancy Hendry
(250) 728-3119
163 Burlington Avenue, PO Box 2, Bamfield, BC, V0 1B0
How do I obtain a leaf for the Memorial Tree?
There is an application form which is filled out and sent to the Memorial Tree Committee for processing. The cost is $25 payable by cheque to Bamfield Memorial Tree. Biographical information and optional photographs are requested to accompany the application form and payment. Any documents or photographs sent will be scanned and originals may be returned upon request. No leaves will be ordered from the engraver until payment is received.
What is the cost for an engraved leaf?
The cost for an engraved leaf is $25.00.
Please make cheque payable to Bamfield Memorial Tree.
Orders will not be placed until payment is received.
What if I don’t know the exact date a person was born or died?
Some of the earlier leaves placed on the Memorial Tree only have the year the person was born and the year the person died. Adding the actual month and day is optional. However, when available the extra dates may offer more memories to those viewing the tree.
Where do I send the completed form?
Please send the required documents, payment in the form of a cheque, and the application form to:
Nancy Hendry, 163 Burlington Avenue, PO Box 2, Bamfield, BC V0R 1B0
Why do I need to send biographical information to obtain a leaf for the Memorial Tree?
The Memorial Tree is a monument that provides us with a history of people who once lived in Bamfield who are no longer with us. Without the accompanying Memorial Tree books to document the stories about the people whose names appear on the Memorial Tree, we would have no way to identify who some of these people were. Every person has a story worth telling and each person is a part of the history of our village.
What if I don’t have the biographical information when the application and payment is submitted? Can I still get a leaf?
Sometimes the person ordering the leaf is not a family member, or they don’t have anything to send. Orders may be placed with the engraver once payment is received; however, the committee maintains the right to withhold the leaves until some information about the person has also been received. If you need help with this request please contact Nancy Hendry.
When and how are leaves attached to the Memorial Tree?
Leaves can be requested at any time during the year. Traditionally the committee has used Remembrance Day as an opportunity to also remember those Bamfielders who have passed. The Memorial Tree Books are brought out for display where the Remembrance Day event is held and then new leaves are added to the Memorial Tree plaque. If there are enough new leaves, the annual Strawberry Tea fund raiser in June is another time when leaves may be formally added.
There are occasions when families want to place their loved ones’ leaves on the tree themselves. Oftentimes this happens in conjunction with a celebration of life/memorial service event. Given enough prior notice for orders to be processed and engravings to be completed, these special requests are honored as much as is reasonably possible to do so.
What is the Strawberry Tea fundraiser event?
A wonderful gathering in the park – The Strawberry Tea is intended to be an annual event to raise money for the Memorial Tree Committee. The event, until further notice, is held in Centennial Park. The date may vary but it is in June during strawberry season. Admission costs are advertised with the event. The entry cost provides event goers with tea and sandwiches, and a piece of scrumptious home-made strawberry shortcake. There is also a table of locally made baked goods. Sundresses and Hats (or Boaters for the men) are optional but add to the fun of tea in the park.
How can I become a volunteer with the Memorial Tree Committee?
The Memorial Tree Committee is currently looking for at least one other person to join the committee. This is a volunteer opportunity that does not demand very much of your time. If you would prefer not to be a permanent member of the committee, we always need extra hands to assist with the Strawberry Tea, or to assist the Centennial Park to keep the gardens weeded at the pavilion. Maybe you have an interest in a special project? We would like to do something new with our Memorial Tree Books. Anyone with an interest or knowledge in desk top publishing or book designs here is an opportunity to share skills and ideas!