Bamfield Cable Station

The Bamfield Cable Station as seen from the water. Early 1900s.

The Lieutenant-Governor of B.C. unveiling the original historic plaque at the Bamfield Cable Station in 1931.

Track for the rail car which brought supplies up to the Bamfield Cable Station from the dock.

The Tees, which supplied communities on the west coast of Vancouver Island, taking on freight and passengers at the Bamfield Cable Station. Note Peter Michelsen's farm house on the cleared hill opposite. Early 1900s.

After the closure of the Bamfield Cable Station in 1959, the buildings remained empty until 1965, at which time, the body in charge of the property decided it could not longer pay for upkeep. Here the Engineers house on the foreshore of the Bamfield Cable Station property is being put to the torch. 1965

The Bamfield Cable Station band playing for a Christmas season dance. Bill Whaley is on the drums. Date uncertain.

The site of the former Bamfield Cable Station after the buildings had been demolished in 1965. Later, in 1972 this site became home to the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre. The concrete building, built in 1926 when the cable from Fanning Island was duplicated, remains and is in use as lab, office and classroom space.

The Bamfield Cable Station from the foreshore.

Pre-1926 photo of the Bamfield Cable Station with unknown vessel in the foreground.

The docks at the Bamfield Cable Station which was where the Cable Station staff kept their boats.

The Manager's house for the Bamfield Cable Station, overlooking Barkley Sound. The current director's house for the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre is situated in this spot. Note the two small cabins on the opposite foreshore.

Group photo on the dock of the Bamfield Cable Station, Bamfield BC. Date unknown

Early photo of the Bamfield Cable Station from west Bamfield before construction of the concrete cable building in 1926. Note the Bamfield lifeboat, Assistance, the first purpose-built motorized lifeboat on its moorings in the foreground. Note also the water tower for the cable station.

This photo shows the Bamfield Cable Station around the time it closed in 1959.

The Cable Laying Ship, Dominia. Bamfield BC. Date uncertain.

Bamfield Cable Station staff and families in 1933. Full list of names of those in photo available from the Bamfield Community Archives.

Bamfield Cable Station residences. The fuel tanks and dock that E.F. Jennings built are visible at the end of Burlo Island, just above residence on the right.

Bamfield Cable Station residences on a snowy day. Date uncertain.

Bamfield Cable Station photo taken after construction of the concrete building in 1926, which was built below the original Rattenbury designed building. At the same time, a new wooden building was added to the north end to house the bachelors.

Reg Moore, a cable station employee. Bamfield Cable Station. Date uncertain.

Cable laying ship at the mouth of Bamfield harbour. Date uncertain.

One of the cable laying ships in Barkley Sound at the mouth of Bamfield Inlet. Date uncertain.

The Bamfield Cable Station in the snow from west Bamfield. While the date of this photo is unknown, it pre-dates the concrete building constructed in 1926.

The Bamfield Cable Station in the snow as seen from behind the Rattenbury building. Included are some of the staff houses. Date unknown.

Cable laying ship docked at the Bamfield Cable Station. Date unknown.

The path leading from the foreshore up to the Bamfield Cable Station. Date uncertain.

The Annual Cable Station boat race. 1940's

The Bamfield Cable Station as seen from the water. Note the rail track running up the hill to transport goods from the wharf. Date uncertain.

Fanning & Suva Islands
A collection of photos from Suva and Fanning Islands. These were in a photo album belonging to Ernest Jennings dated 1904.
It is not clear who is the photographer.