Bamfield & Clo-oose Communities

West Bamfield shoreline. From left, Wickham house, Charlie Wickhams boarding house - later the hotel, the general store, the Federal building, the Lifeboat station buildings, the Rock/MacMillan house on the hill. Note the Assistance moored right.

Alec McKay and his boat the Nalda which was used to ferry Bamfield students to and from school. Date uncertain.

Eric and Charlie Wickham's cabin on Topaltos Beach, 1915.

West Bamfield, B.C. with Trevor Channel and the Deer Group behind.

The Red Cross Outpost Hospital in the late 1930's or early 1940's. The local Red Cross society purchased the property and in 1939 it opened as the hospital and residence. Later in the 1970s a trailer was barged over, which became the clinic and the house became used exclusively as the nurse's residence. Currently the property is in private hands, but in 2014 the Bamfield Historical Society was given permission to host a tea on the lawn in honour of 75 years of health care in Bamfield.

View of the house built by Charlie Wickham from behind, likely where Sydney Walter Fry built his house in 1950. The Cable Station can be seen across the inlet.

The Bamfield General Store as seen from the Wickham house. 1920s or 1930s.

Pioneer House,built in 1901, which was the original McKay house in Bamfield. It burned to the ground in 1968, taking with it much Bamfield memorabilia, including photos and artifacts. Date uncertain.

Group of people cheering on their football team at Pachena beach in the 1920's.

The official opening of the the Bamfield Red Cross hospital in Bamfield in 1939. This house was the former home of Conrad Meyer and his family.

The official opening of the Red Cross Outpost Clinic in 1974. This building was barged in and placed adjacent to the original hospital, which then became solely the nurse's residence.

The official opening of the Bamfield road in 1964.

West Bamfield. From left, Wickham's netshed, Wickham house, Bamfield Lifeboat Station, Rock house. Early 1900s.

Boat tied up at Eric Wickham's dock in west Bamfield. Note the net shed to the left that still stands. Date uncertain.

The Nalda school boat with Alec McKay at the wheel. Date uncertain.

The McMillan fish plant and Ostrom's Machine Shop, Bamfield BC. 1960s or 1970s.

McKee's store on Bamfield Inlet. McKee and his wife came to Bamfield from Dodger's Cove where they also operated a store. McKee died of a heart attack while helping to build Emanuel school. Circa 1920s.

McKee's store on Bamfield Inlet. Pioneer House, owned by the McKay family is to the right. 1900s - 1920s.

The Maquinna off the west coast of Vancouver Island. Circa 1930s.

The Maquinna off the west coast of Vancouver Island. Circa 1930s.

Looking towards Bamfield - the road is under construction. Right is the swinging bridge and left is the new car bridge over the Pachena River. 1964.

The Kyuquot Trollers Co-op Association burning down in 1953. Bamfield BC.

The Kon-Tiki II was a primitive raft built by a "displaced person" in 1951. He left the harbour in it twice, both times unsuccessfully. See pages 54-57 of Scott's Bamfield Years: Recollections for a good description.

Construction begins on Charlie Wickhams house in west Bamfield, next to his brother, Eric Wickham's house. Circa 1930s

The boarding house that Charlie Wickham built and lived in with his wife, the widow Mary McKee and her children. It was later sold and became a hotel. It burned down in 1951.

A group of school children performing gymnastics on the wooden tennis court situated where the ball diamond in west Bamfield is now; 1938.

School children in gym class on the field of the Bamfield School; late 1930's.

A group of school children performing gymnastics on the wooden tennis court situated where the ball diamond in west Bamfield is now; 1938.

Bill Fullerton in his store in west Bamfield. He and his wife Molly, Bamfield's first nurse, owned the store from 1945 until 1953. It later burned down and was replaced in 1962.

The interior of Bill Fullerton's general store in west Bamfield.

Fullerton's General Store in west Bamfield. The Wickham house is to the left and the hotel can be seen above the store.

The interior of Bill Fullerton's general store in west Bamfield.

Fullerton's General Store in west Bamfield.

The interior of Bill Fullerton's general store in west Bamfield.

The Federal Building in Bamfield. This building was the Customs House, Post Office and the BC Tel Office.

Bamfield's first school, Emanuel School, near what is now McKay Bay Lodge. Early 1900s.

E.F. Jennings store in west Bamfield was built in 1923. Cyril Rock's (MacMillan) house is to the left. Circa 1920s.

West Bamfield with BC Packers centre. A supply vessel is coming into the harbour. Circa 1920s.

Students at Bamfield School in 1940.

Bamfield School boat, the Nalda, in Bamfield Inlet. Date uncertain.

Bamfield's last school boat, Qu'usin with boat driver, Syd Baker and his young passenger. Date uncertain.

BC Packers, Bamfield BC. Circa 1970s.

BC Packers was originally built by E.F. Jennings in 1923 as a general store and fish buyers. Circa 1970s.

BC Packers in west Bamfield. The pilot boat, R.E. Riley is in the foreground. Circa 1970s.

The post office at Clo-oose that was run by David Logan and his wife, Margaret. Date uncertain.

The Logan residence at Clo-oose. Circa 1920s.

A canoe heads out with people and supplies to meet the Maquinna at Clo-oose. Circa 1920s.

Waves coming up on the beach at Clo-oose during a storm on the west coast of Vancouver Island. Circa 1930s.

Landing supplies from the Maquinna at Clo-oose on the west coast of Vancouver Island. Note Maquinna offshore. Circa 1920s.

Canoe landing on the beach at Clo-oose. Canoes were used to transfer supplies from supply vessels such as the Maquinna, to shore. Circa 1920s.

Canoes on the beach at Clo-oose on the west coast of Vancouver Island. Circa 1920s.

Residents and supplies on the beach at Clo-oose. Circa 1920s.

Tidal wave damage at Pachena Bay, 1964.

Tidal wave damage at Pachena Bay, 1964.

Tidal wave damage at Pachena Bay, 1964.

Cannery in Brown's Bay on Nitinat Lake on the west coast of Vancouver Island. Date uncertain.