The Fishing Fleet

A young Bob McVie with his dad and a 39 lb spring salmon. Bamfield BC September 4th, 1957, at the west dock in Bamfield BC

Written on back - "1930's Bamfield harbour scene on a stormy day with the American fishing fleet in. These boats cost from 3 to 15 thousand dollars each."

Waiting for an opening. Comox Post a fisheries boat in foreground.

View from Wickhams' property in Bamfield, BC. Pre 1926.

Una II, Garry York's boat at Ostrom's dock.

Tsin-Kwis at Ostrom's dock, Bamfield BC.

This photo is presumed to be of the Japanese fishing vessels that were confiscated during WWII, Bamfield BC. It appears in Leonard Jennings' Gumboot Navy photo album. Leonard circumnavigated the Queen Charlotte Islands 17 times during that period, so the photo may have been taken in that area.

The Una II, Garry York's boat, heading out from Ostrom's dock in Bamfield BC.

The SK in Bamfield Inlet was named for Suzanne and Katherine Jennings.

The Ready, with Ebba Ostrom, later Jennings, in the wheelhouse. Circa 1930s.

The Ohiaht, Eric Wickham's boat. Bamfield, BC.

The Native II, built by Jackson Jack, burned on Easter Weekend, 1964, the same weekend as the tidal wave. His boat Native III is still owned and operated by his son Ernie.

Sonora II with shrimp gear, Bamfield BC.

Seiners rafted together, Bamfield BC

Seine fishing in Bamfield BC. Eric Wickham's boat.

Seabee float plane landing on Bamfield Inlet. The Kyuquot Trollers Coop Association buildings are in the background. The large white building burned down in 1953.

Salmon catch. Doug York, Bamfield fisherman.

Salmon barbeque, Brady's Beach, Bamfield BC

Rough day on the sea on the Sonora II, near Bamfield. 1970's.

Purse seining herring in Bamfield Inlet. 1940's to 1950's.

Pete II. John Vanden's last troller near Bamfield BC.

Packer Irma J, which carried fish and salted seal skins to Victoria, at E.F. Jennings store in west Bamfield. The boat was named for his daughter, Irma Cashin, nee Jennings.

Ostrom's Machine Shop, Bamfield BC. 1920's.

Ostrom's float with Una II, Garry York's boat and Oscar Nookemis' Pacific Cruiser. 1980's.

Ostrom's store, Bamfield BC. Dolores Tennant, clerk, adding up a bill. 1970's - 80's.

Ostroms dock, Bamfield BC. 1930's.

Ostrom's - at the dock with Salida, Doug Yorks boat, Syzygy, Jimmy Hays boat. Bamfield BC.

On board the Ohiat, Eric Wickham's seiner. Bamfield BC.

Mrs. McVie with her first fish, at the Customs House, Bamfield BC.

Motorized canoe, at the head of Bamfield Inlet, BC.

Looks like a moving day! Bamfield BC.

Long Beach near Cape Beale BC. 21 fish, September 1st 1957

Leonard Jennings - the sports fisherman. Bamfield BC

Leonard Jennings in The Smiley, coming in to land - been fishing! Bert Jones had owned it and after Leonard it became the local water taxi.

Leonard Jennings' boat, Kirby Point about to be launched in Bamfield BC. Bert Jones is in the foreground. 1950's

One of John Ostrom's gurdies in the museum in Prince Rupert.

Johnnie Vanden dragging a large spring in 2000. Bamfield BC.

John Gustaf Grunlund's boat, Bamfield BC 1940.

Jean B at Barbers dock, Coho lodge to the left.

Imperial Tofino, fuel vessel at Ostrom's dock.

Huu-ay-aht fishermen fishing for herring roe with cedar branches. E.F. Jenning's fuel dock in background. Early 1900's.

Herring fishing in Bamfield Inlet - 1940's - 1950s.

Herring fishing in Bamfield Inlet - 1940's-1950s - early in the year.

Jim Young and Hobb Hegstrom on the Blue Bird IV near Bamfield, BC.

Halibut boat and fishpacker Otter Point around 1919. Could possibly have been Porritt's boat? Bamfield BC

The Grunlund girls and assorted friends and family with a very good catch! Late 1930's Bamfield BC.

Geoff Phillips fishing in the Juju.

Geoff Phillips and John Higginbotham in the early 1930s Bamfield on Fred Barbers boat, possibly the Forerunner.

Garry York, July 1979, Big Bank, with a 38 lb spring.

From Johnny Vanden's in west Bamfield, looking back to Ostrom's 1930

Fishing vessels moored. Location uncertain, possibly Spring Cove.

Fishing boats at Ostroms in Bamfield. For date reference, Ebba Jennings wrote that the Native II burned on the water on Easter Weekend, 1964 so photo is prior to that.

Seine fishing at the mouth of Bamfield Inlet early 1900's.

Fishboat Colberg with Hoskins property in background, Grappler Inlet.

Fish boats, possibly collectors for the fishing fleet unloading, Bamfield BC. Seiners and gillnetters. Photo taken from lifeboat station

Fishboats seining for dog fish in the fall at mouth of the harbour. Photo taken from Bamfield Cable Station.

Gillnetters, Bamfield Inlet. The boat houses across the inlet at the cable station were for employees boats. The photo is taken from the Mcallum camp in the mid 50's.

Small seiner at Ostrom's dock in Bamfield BC. Hand brailer to scoop fish is lying alongside the cabin. York and Vanden houses in background. 1940's.

Exact location unknown near Bamfield BC. Possibly Ecoole. Pilchard fishing.

Bamfield BC but exact location and date uncertain.

Eric Wickham's boats Cape May and Ohiaht at his dock. Note Cable Station in the background. Bamfield, BC.

Eric Wickham's boat Nymph. Note Bamfield Cable Station in background with no concrete building- pre 1926.

Eric Wickham boat. Note Bamfield Lifeboat Station in the background.

Early photo of Ostrom's before marine railway. Note boats tied to pilings for repairs. Maben house in background. No DogPatch yet! Early 30's likely.

Early photo of fishboats on Bamfield Inlet. Note navy boat to left.

Early days at Ostrom's Machine Shop with Irma J, fish packer on front of float. Bamfield, BC.

Waiting for an opening. Hyson, Art Peter's boat in foreground.

Davis Raft at Nitinat on west Vancouver Island. Logs are bundled with cable, then towed behind. Circa 1930s.

David Logan landing salmon from his canoe, 1940's at Nitinat.

The missionary boat, Melvin Swartout, that visited isolated congregations on the west coast at Ostroms' float.

Coho Lodge is in the background of this photo. It was built by Ichi Uyede, a fisherman. The Ready was used for getting freight and delivering oil. Early 1930's.

Brailing salmon from net of purse seiner onto boat at the mouth of Bamfield Inlet in the early 1900's.

Boats at Wickham's dock pre 1926 as there is no concrete building at the Cable Station. The Cape May is rigged for halibut.

The Uchuck II coming in to Ostrom's dock. 1940s-50's.

The Blue Bird IV, Bamfield BC

Basking shark speared by Bamfield youth in Kelp Bay and winched up on cable station dock in the 1960's.

Bamfield Fisheries Ltd. Cannery during building at Grappler Creek in 1919. Fishbuyers Otter Point and Uncle Salmon are alongside.

Bamfield Fisheries Ltd. Cannery in Grappler Creek, Bamfield BC during construction in 1919. Alongside Uncle Salmon and Otter Point.

Bamfield Fisheries Ltd. Cannery in Grappler Creek, Bamfield BC. Built in 1919.

Uprighting a barge in front of Ostrom's Machine Shop in Bamfield, BC. 1940's.

The Cleo, Bamfield BC

Seine fishing salmon at the mouth of Bamfield Inlet in the early 1900's.

Bamfield BC. Fish boats tied up at Ostrom's including: Patrick boat; Bowker boat; Saucy Jane; Carrie K; Admar; May Queen; Suzie 4

Bamfield BC. Seine fishing.

Bamfield BC. 1960's. Another good catch. The church and hall are in the background.

A group of Bamfielders head out for the day onboard a fishing boat. Circa 1920s

Seine fishing salmon at the mouth of Bamfield Inlet in the early 1900's.

At Ostroms dock in Bamfield BC.

At McMillan's fish plant, 1970's.

A line of small gillnetters being towed to the fishing grounds, Bamfield BC in the early 1900's. Possibly Robbers Pass in the background.

A happy young fisherman in the 1950's.