Bamfield Lifeboat Station

The Assistance at the mouth of the harbour with its sails up. Early 1900s

West Bamfield, including the Bamfield Lifeboat Station. Trevor Channel and the Deer Group Islands and Mount Ozard are beyond. Cable Station dock is in the foreground. Note small building on opposite foreshore to the left. At one time, this was Bamfield's first barber shop. circa 1920s

Very early photo of the Bamfield Lifeboat Station with the Tees in the harbour.

The Assistance went up on the rocks in Robbers Pass after it slipped its moorings in 1909. The crew of the vessel were taken to Victoria and dismissed. It was later replaced by an identical boat that was also named the Assistance.

The Banfield lifeboat, 1951-1986.

The Bamfield Lifeboat Station as taken from the Bamfield Cable Station. the Assistance lifeboat appears to be on the slipway. 1920s

The Bamfield Lifeboat Station with the Assistance on the slipway. Note house on the hill which belonged to Cyril Rock and is currently the McMillan house, one of the oldest houses in Bamfield. Circa 1920s.

The Assistance in front of the Bamfield Lifeboat Station. Note that some of the station buildings are under construction. Early 1900s.

The Assistance at the mouth of the harbour with its crew on board. Early 1900s.

The Assistance on its moorings in front of the lifeboat station. The cable station is opposite. Pre-1926. This photo shows how the Assistance was moored when not on the slipway.

The Assistance on its moorings in front of the lifeboat station. The cable station is opposite. Pre-1926.

One of the many wrecks that the Bamfield Lifeboat Station crew attended to, possibly the Soquel on Seabird Rocks off Cape Beale. Early 1900s.

The Bamfield Lifeboat Station residence in the snow with the Bamfield Cable Station beyond. This photo is after 1926 as the concrete building and the bachelor's quarters have been added to the cable station.

The Bamfield Lifeboat Station. Note the Federal Building to the left, and Charlie Wickhams boarding house, which was later purchased to be used as a hotel, at the far left. Circa 1930s.

This photo pre-dates the Assistance.

Early crew of the Bamfield Lifeboat Station.

Early photo of the Bamfield Lifeboat Station and the SS Columbia. The station sits on Mills Peninsula, and in this photo, Trevor Channel and the Deer Group can be seen beyond.

The Bamfield Lifeboat Station in it's early days.

The Bamfield Lifeboat Station in it's early days.

Early photo of the crew of the Bamfield Lifeboat Station. Date uncertain.

Early photo of the crew of the Bamfield Lifeboat Station. Early 1900s.

One of the earlier crews of the Bamfield Lifeboat Station in the Assistance in front of the Bamfield Cable Station foreshore. Early 1900s.

The lifeboat house at Clo-oose on the west coast of Vancouver Island. Dugout canoe is in the foreground. Date uncertain.

The Assistance moored in front of the Bamfield Lifeboat Station. Early 1900s.

West Bamfield and the Bamfield Lifeboat Station from the Cable Station. One of the supply vessels is entering the harbour. Circa 1920s - 1930s.

Very early photo of the Bamfield Lifeboat Station from the Bamfield Cable Station. Note that the Assistance is on the ways. Note also "Banfield" at bottom, referring to the original name of the town, after Government Agent, W. E. Banfield. Early 1900s.

Very early photo of the Bamfield Lifeboat Station from the Bamfield Cable Station. Early 1900s.

Bamfield Lifeboat Assistance picking up the broken down fish packer, Otter Point off Clo-oose. 1920s - 1930s.

Bamfield Lifeboat crew in the lifeboat, Assistance. Circa 1920s.

Bamfield Lifeboat Coast Guard 104. 1969-1999

Bamfield Lifeboat Coast Guard 104. 1969-1999

A group of Bamfield women and youth on the Bamfield Lifeboat Station lawn. Circa 1930s.

The Bamfield Lifeboat, Assistance and supply vessel in Bamfield Inlet. The lifeboat station is to the left and Peter Michelsen's farm house is to the right. Early 1900s.

The Assistance was the first purpose-built motorized lifeboat. It is shown on the slipway at the Bamfield Lifeboat. Station. The slipway is still currently in use. Circa 1920s.

The volunteers who took part in the Bamfield Lifeboat Centenary in June of 2008, celebrating 100 years of lifesaving in Bamfield.