Lighthouses near Bamfield

Jack Hunting was the lighthouse keeper at Pachena Point for several decades. He also served at Ballenas and Carmanah Point briefly in the early 1920's. We have not tried to speculate as to his photos but have added information we are certain of. The Bamfield Community Museum and Archives also has several of Jack Hunting's personal diaries which we hope to scan and make available soon.

Jack Hunting Collection

Jack Hunting Collection

Jack Hunting Collection

Unidentified woman. Quote on back, "I'm in tower of the old Beehive Prism. I called it a masterpiece, the present light is puny but more powerful."

Jack Hunting Collection

Jack Hunting Collection

Jack Hunting Collection

Jack Hunting Collection

Swiftsure Lightship

Jack Hunting Collection - Lifeboat in foreground.

Jack Hunting Collection

Jack Hunting Collection

Jack Hunting Collection

Jack Hunting Collection - Jack Jr. in rowboat.

Jack Hunting Collection

Jack Hunting Collection

Jack Hunting Collection

Jack Hunting Collection

Jack Hunting Collection

Jack Hunting Collection

Jack Hunting Collection

Jack Hunting Collection

Jack Hunting Collection

Jack Hunting Collection

Jack Hunting Collection

The lifeboat landing at Carmanah Light Station 1907.

Jack Hunting Collection. Charlotte Maben, wife of lighthouse assistant at Pachena Lighthouse with a cougar she killed that had been after her goats.

Jack Hunting Collection. Charlotte Maben, the lighthouse keeper assistant's wife with raccoons.

Jack Hunting Collection

Jack Hunting Collection

Jack Hunting Collection

Jack Hunting Collection

Jack Hunting Collection

Jack Hunting Collection

Jack Hunting Collection

Jack Hunting Collection

Jack Hunting Collection

Jack Hunting Collection. Jack Hunting Jr. and his mother, Nan Hunting at Pachena Point Lighthouse with their goats.

Jack Hunting Collection. Jack Hunting Jr., the lighthouse keeper's son at Pachena Point Lighthouse

Interior of Carmanah Lighthouse

Jack Hunting Collection

Jack Hunting Collection

Jack Hunting Collection. Group in rowboat landing at Pachena Lighthouse.

Jack Hunting Collection. Families who lived at Pachena Lighthouse - 1930's. Possibly Mayday because of table decoration. Note that Len Jennings is second from left at the bottom of the photo. Jack Hunting, lighthouse keeper is seated with his arms crossed. Nan Hunting, Jack's wife is left of him in the photo. Their son, Jack junior is behind and between them.

Jack Hunting Collection

Lifeboat crew landing on the beach at Carmanah Light Station. 1907

Cape Beale Lighthouse, 1941

Cape Beale Lighthouse, near Bamfield BC

Cape Beale Lighthouse, near Bamfield BC in the early 1900's

Cape Beale Lighthouse, near Bamfield BC in the early 1900's